Service areas
Brand, Identity, Corporate Design, Photo Production, Print, Digital, Signage
Brunner Strategy, Luxwerk
Swiss Medi Kids is an emergency clinic for children with practices in Zurich, Winterthur and Lucerne. Launched in 2011, it aims to discharge the overcrowded Children’s Hospital Zurich and to counteract the shortage of paediatricians. Swiss Medi Kids is acknowledged by the Zürimed association and delivers a substantial contribution to local healthcare.

In order to facilitate Swiss Medi Kids’ growth strategy, Varese Corridor has proposed a rebranding of their identity along with a redesign of their clinic spaces. The current logo has been developed anew, aiming to express their claim ‘small emergency, big help’ in a simple yet emotional way. The new interiors have been decorated with colourful illustrations to make the kids doctor’s visit more appealing. Moreover, we produced a image-flyer for each branch and a poster with corporate values in collaboration with Brunner Strategy as well as a variety of communication measures for the introduction day of each clinic.