Service areas
Strategy, Print, Digital, Illustration, Typography, Photo Production, Exhibition
Brunner Strategy, Nico Schärer
Franke is a globally operating Swiss consortium of 70 companies with 11’000 employees. The group is a world leader in comprehensive systems for domestic kitchens and for professional applications in food service, coffee preparation, beverage delivery and hygiene solutions.

For their 100th anniversary, the group chose to use its history as a common thread for the communication. After researching their extensive archive, Varese Corridor has developed a documentary storyline together with Brunner Strategy. This formed the basis of all activities surrounding the jubilee and was applied cross-media: As a give-away commemorative book, an exhibition in a gallery space, a web feature and as narrative backdrop for the main celebration at KKL Luzern.

The Division Franke Coffee Systems had developed a new coffee machine meeting highest demands in terms of performance, taste and design. Aimed at the professional catering trade, we were given the task to accompany its launch including photo production. Whithin a week’s time, we realised a series of images reflecting upon the high-end quality of the machine. The Café ‘Metropol’ in Zurich served as an adequate location with an ambiance still infused with the charm of an old ‘Grand Café’ founded in 1894.

Strategie, Corporate Design, Text, Print, Digital, Illustration, Typografie, Signaletik, Exhibition
Brunner Strategy, Vogt Schild Druck, Bright Entertainment
Stihl ist ein weltweit tätiges Familienunternehmen mit Hauptsitz in Waiblingen-Neustadt (D). Stihl entwickelt, fertigt und vertreibt motorbetriebene Geräte für die Forstwirtschaft, Landschaftspflege und die Bauwirtschaft. Seit 1971 ist Stihl die meistverkaufte Motorsägenmarke der Welt. Stihl Schweiz vertreibt die Marken «Stihl» und «Viking» über den servicegebenden Fachhandel.

Stihl brachte mit dem iMow-Robotermäher und den Akku-Power-Geräten 2016 und 2017 wichtige Produktinnovationen heraus. Varese Corridor entwickelte das gesamte Promotionsmaterial für die Händler und die Markteinführung der Geräte. Daneben verantwortete Varese Corridor die gesamte Unternehmens- und Marketingkommunikation: Jubiläumsevent 20 Jahre Stihl Schweiz, Produkteinführungskampagnen iMowRobotermäher und Akku-Geräte, Händlerpromotion insbesondere POS-Massnahmen, Rabattaktionen, Frühjahrs- und Herbstprospekte mit Auflage 750’000, Mailing, Flyer, Anzeigen, Plakatkampagnen, Eventkommunikation Stihl Timbersports (Sportholzfällen) und Messen. Sämtliche Neuerungen und schweizspezifische Ergänzungen in der Produktkommunikation wurden in einem umfangreichen CD-Manual dokumentiert.

Service areas
Brand, Identity, Corporate Design, Photo Production, Print, Digital, Signage
Brunner Strategy, Luxwerk
Swiss Medi Kids is an emergency clinic for children with practices in Zurich, Winterthur and Lucerne. Launched in 2011, it aims to discharge the overcrowded Children’s Hospital Zurich and to counteract the shortage of paediatricians. Swiss Medi Kids is acknowledged by the Zürimed association and delivers a substantial contribution to local healthcare.

In order to facilitate Swiss Medi Kids’ growth strategy, Varese Corridor has proposed a rebranding of their identity along with a redesign of their clinic spaces. The current logo has been developed anew, aiming to express their claim ‘small emergency, big help’ in a simple yet emotional way. The new interiors have been decorated with colourful illustrations to make the kids doctor’s visit more appealing. Moreover, we produced a image-flyer for each branch and a poster with corporate values in collaboration with Brunner Strategy as well as a variety of communication measures for the introduction day of each clinic.

Service areas
Brand, Print
Mabel Eugster is a yoga instructor and loves outdoor sports. In 2012 she combined these two passions and founded the first school for Stand-Up-Paddling-Yoga on lake Zurich together with friends. Varese Corridor has created a simple logotype for her, transporting aspects like health, fun und summerly lightness.

PrimeMover Associates was founded in 2013 as a consultancy for global healthcare by three partners with longstanding experience in the sectors of pharmaceutical industry, health economics and health politics. Eversince, they serve and advise governments, health institutions as well as lifescience industries and lecture regularly at the London School of Economics.

In close consultation with the client, Varese Corridor has conceived an identity which underlines PrimeMover Associates’ aspirations and capabilities. A discreet logotype, the sparse use of colour and a primarily typographic website convey sovereignty and understatement. We provided them with a starter kit for their new enterprise consisting of corporate design, website and stationery.

Varese Corridor is an agency for value-based branding, communication and design. We create brands, define strategies, develop corporate identity system and deliver unique experiences for your customers.

Varese Corridor is an agency for value-based branding, communication and design. We create brands, define strategies, develop corporate identity system and deliver unique experiences for your customers.

Varese Corridor is an agency for value-based branding, communication and design. We create brands, define strategies, develop corporate identity system and deliver unique experiences for your customers.

Varese Corridor is an agency for value-based branding, communication and design. We create brands, define strategies, develop corporate identity system and deliver unique experiences for your customers.

Varese Corridor is an agency for value-based branding, communication and design. We create brands, define strategies, develop corporate identity system and deliver unique experiences for your customers.

Varese Corridor is an agency for value-based branding, communication and design. We create brands, define strategies, develop corporate identity system and deliver unique experiences for your customers.

Varese Corridor is an agency for value-based branding, communication and design. We create brands, define strategies, develop corporate identity system and deliver unique experiences for your customers.

Varese Corridor is an agency for value-based branding, communication and design. We create brands, define strategies, develop corporate identity system and deliver unique experiences for your customers.

Varese Corridor is an agency for value-based branding, communication and design. We create brands, define strategies, develop corporate identity system and deliver unique experiences for your customers.